Is This Journey Mine?
Group Coaching for School Leaders
To be or not to be... a Head of School, that is the question.
Have you been here?

You’ve been told more than once that you’d make a great HOS. Parts of the role sound appealing; others not so much.
How do I decide? Is it okay to apply when I’m more curious than confident and sure?
You like a lot about the community of which you’re part and the role you’ve been in. You also love to learn and grow and wonder how much room there is for that where you are.
How might I frame a next chapter here that is far more than simply more of the same?
You just found out that, once again, you weren’t chosen for the HoS job. Over the course of the search process, you grew to love the community and they seemed to love you.
Why didn’t I get the job? What am I doing wrong?
If these are questions you ask yourself, consider joining one of our deliberately framed and sustained communities of practice with 6-8 school leaders who are wondering:
Is Headship my next step? If so, when and where? If not, then what?
What are my core values?
When do I feel most alive?
What’s a strength or super-power I long to use more fully in my role?
Where am I settling when I could be thriving? What would it take to thrive?
Sound familiar?
​We invite you to explore new perspectives and possibilities for leadership through our group coaching program.
Your Coaches & Guides
Aimee Giles and Mike Hanas, both certified coaches and former Heads of School, bring over 55 years of combined experience in a range of teaching and leadership roles in independent schools. We share a deeply rooted commitment to further the leadership of others. Our coaching clients report increased self-awareness, resulting in access to their own inner resources and the ability to create the choices, changes, and intentional results for which they yearn.
is group coaching?
Our approach to coaching is grounded in building a sustained relationship as your thought-partner, resource and guide.
Through compelling questions that pull you toward possibilities and awareness, you will deepen access to your own inner resources, insight and wisdom.
Group coaching provides the opportunity to do this work alongside others who share your commitment to finding deeper meaning in discerning what’s next.
is this for?
School leaders considering Headship, or who have considered Headship at some point in their career.
Leaders who are looking to further their self-awareness and understanding of who they are—and who they are becoming—as leaders in the communities they serve.
Leaders who recognize that learning in community makes room for diversity that broadens and deepens the learning.
is it structured?
Facilitation and coaching by trained coaches and seasoned school leaders.
Cohorts of 6-8 school leaders.
90-minute group sessions, once a month, August through April (9 sessions).
Three (3) individual coaching sessions.
Group dinner at NAIS annual conference.
Inter-session opportunities to connect with a peer from the group.
Pre- and post-meeting exercises designed to prepare you for each session and allow you to reflect on your learning afterwards.
Curated resources based on emergent and expressed needs.
Ready to participate?
Start by emailing Aimee (aimee@aimeegiles.com) or Mike (mike@furtheringleadership.com) to schedule an exploratory call by July 26, 2024.​
To register, please complete this form:
This program is priced to make ongoing, high-quality coaching accessible for all school leaders.
The cost of this 9-month program is $2,500 per individual.
Group meeting times will be finalized no later than early August 2024. We will meet once a month, for 90-minute group sessions, August through April (9 sessions), during the 3rd week of each month. Here are the potential days and times (listed as Eastern Time), to be coordinated with participants.
Tuesdays | 10-11:30am, 11:30am-1pm, or 3:30-5pm
Wednesdays | 3:30-5pm
Thursdays | 10-11:30am or 11:30am-1pm​
We believe strongly in providing spaces for leaders from diverse backgrounds to grow and extend, and we expressly invite applications from folks from a range of identities or experiences.